Privacy Policy



We attach great importance to your privacy and the protection of your personal data.

This policy informs you about the way in which your data is collected and used within the framework of the site accessible at the address (the “Site”) and/or within the framework of any contact with our Company, in accordance with the “Informatics and Freedoms” of Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 and the European regulation in force resulting from the General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 of April 27, 2016 (“GDPR”).



  1. Data controller and recipients of personal data

The personal data collected (“Data”) in the context of the use of our Site and more generally, in the context of the contacts that you may have with our Company, are processed by , as responsible for processing (“Data Controller”).

Data means any information relating to an identifiable natural person, directly or indirectly, including by reference to an identifier such as a name, identification number, location data or online identifier.

Depending on the purpose of the processing, the Data collected and/or transferred is intended to be used by the Data Controller; the support services of the Data Controller (purchasing/sales administration, sales, logistics, credit management, HR, IT accounting and marketing) will have access to it. They will also be made available to the following service providers (“subcontractors” or “third party recipients” within the meaning of the regulations) for the strict needs of their mission, in particular:

  • technical service providers: communications agency, website host of our Site (see CGU and legal notices available HERE );
  • financial/accounting service providers: auditors, banks;
  • logistics providers: carriers;

Access is strictly regulated by existing security policies so that human intervention on the Data is very exceptional. The data controller may be required to disclose your data to third parties in cases where such disclosure is authorized and required by law or a court order, or if such disclosure is necessary to protect and defend its rights.

Otherwise, your Data will not be transferred or made available to third parties without your prior consent.

The data controller does not transfer your data to a third country outside the EEA. If transferred outside the EEA, such transfers will be governed by appropriate safeguards, such as standard clauses required by the European Commission.

  1. Purposes of data collection

The Data necessary to respond to your contact, to conduct commercial relations with our Company, in particular the sales contract for the products and/or services presented on the Site, or to meet a regulatory obligation, will be communicated to you as such when 'they are collected.

The following Data is processed:

  • Identification data (last name, first name, name of the company you work for, position, relationships with any person within the company),
  • Connection data,
  • Location data (postal address),
  • Any other data that you communicate to us in order to contact our Company or to obtain the supply of products and/or services,

The Data will be used in different ways, depending on the reason for which you visited the Site:

  • On the basis of your consent, which you can withdraw at any time without calling into question the initial lawfulness of the use of your Data (see below, Art. 3 “Your rights”), for sending newsletters;
  • For the purposes of the execution of the commercial relationship and in particular the sales or service contract that you have concluded or that of the supply contract (creation of customer or supplier accounts, execution of orders, invoicing, monitoring of execution the contract, delivery, after-sales and complaints, the organization of satisfaction surveys, the management of customer or supplier files, unpaid debts and the management of disputes);
  • Process and respond to requests which may give rise, where applicable, to the conclusion of a contract (request for information);
  • To meet legal, accounting and tax obligations (in particular conservation of supporting accounting documents; management of rights, requests for rectification and opposition; maintaining a list of objections to canvassing), or to establish, exercise and defend rights legal.

Unless you object, and within the limits of your interests and rights, to meet the legitimate needs of the Data Controller, in particular:

  • Canvassing, customer relationship monitoring and customer loyalty (which notably involve sending commercial messages or news on the products, services and offers presented on the Site or off-Site);
  • Creation of customer/supplier accounts by carrying out all necessary due diligence to protect the interests of the Data Controller and prevent conflicts of interest;
  • Site optimization (navigation route analysis, identification of mass connections, determination of search trends so that offers made can be adjusted to demand)
  • Carry out prospecting operations to develop sales;
  • Management of people's opinions on products, services or content in the interest of improving the products and services offered on the Site or outside the Site;
  • Personalization of the customer experience on the Site;
  • Preparation of statistics (sales in particular), in order to analyze commercial activity;
  • Management of the prospects file in order to develop sales;
  • Carrying out satisfaction surveys;
  • To combat payment fraud.
  1. About cookies

Different cookies are used on the Site to improve interactivity between you, the Site and the services offered.

For more information, please see the Cookie Policy available HERE

  1. Your rights regarding the Data

The persons whose Data is processed by the Data Controller have a right of access, rectification of erroneous Personal Data, and, in the cases and within the limits provided for by the regulations, opposition, deletion of certain of their Data and a right to withdraw their consent, restrict its use, define their fate after their death, or request their portability for transmission to a third party.

To exercise your rights, simply write to one of the two addresses mentioned in article 6 below and attach, if applicable, any document proving your identity and justifying your request.

  1. Data retention period

Your Data will be kept for a period not exceeding that necessary for the purposes for which they are collected, and in particular for the following periods:

  • For a period of 3 years following the last contact, then kept in intermediate archives for the duration of the applicable legal obligation (5 years) for all data with the exception of banking data and cookies;
  • For a period of 13 months from their storage/creation for cookies.

At the end of these periods, the Data will be deleted from the active databases and, where applicable, archived for a period not exceeding the applicable legal limitation periods or archiving obligations. Once these deadlines have expired, the Data will be destroyed.

  1. Contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO)

For any additional information or difficulty relating to the use of your Data, you can contact the Data Protection Officer by email at or by post to the following address: Data Protection Officer, 54 rue de Billancourt, 92160 Boulogne-Billancourt.

In the event of an unresolved difficulty or any complaint relating to the processing of your data, you can contact the EDPB by email at the address:


We are committed to respecting the confidentiality and protection of personal data in accordance with applicable laws and our commitment to ethics and compliance.

Your Data is processed on the basis of your consent. By submitting a spontaneous application, you authorize the data controller to process and collect your data.

All of your Data will be processed for recruitment purposes, in particular to determine the suitability of your experience and qualifications to the positions available on the date you submit your application.

With your agreement, after the deadline for examining your application, your Data may be kept within the application pool of the Data Controller and its affiliated companies and for the purposes of sending alerts, for the maximum period specified. below.

The information collected is stored within the territory of the European Union and will not, without your consent, be transferred to a third country. Only people involved in the recruitment processes (recruitment department, human resources department, management) will have access to your Data.

Your Data will be kept, in an active archive then in an intermediate archive, for a maximum period of 2 years from your request or until you ask the Data Controller to delete them.

In accordance with the applicable national and European provisions, you have the right of access to your Personal Data, the right to request the rectification, erasure or portability of the Data, as well as the right to request the limitation of the processing of your Data and to withdraw your consent. You can also object at any time to alerts sent to you by e-mail.

To exercise your rights or for any additional information or difficulty relating to the use of your Data, you can contact the Data Protection Officer by email at or by post at the following address Data Protection Officer data protection, 54 rue de Billancourt, 92160 Boulogne-Billancourt..

In the event of an unresolved difficulty or any complaint relating to the processing of your data, you can contact the EDPB by email at the address:

You must ensure that the documents submitted as part of your application (information entered directly or attachments) do not contain any sensitive information.

Information directly or indirectly revealing membership or non-membership, true or supposed, to an ethnic or presumed race; moral; sexual orientation or life; political, religious or philosophical opinions; health; union or mutualist activity; any criminal conviction or offense; your social security number; is considered sensitive.